Contact the restaurant in St-Laurent that will cater to all tastes and preferences!
Telephone lines are open during all hours of operation. A friendly and knowledgeable member of the staff will answer all questions and take orders.
Located in St-Laurent borough, better known under the old name of Ville St-Laurent, Restaurant Du Collège is ideally situated. It is directly located across from Du Collège metro station and easily accessible via highways 15, 20 and 520, and Côte-Vertu. This restaurant in St-Laurent is the perfect stop for people passing by or for those living, working or studying in the neighbourhood.

Wheelchair accessibility
Of importance, Restaurant Du Collège has a wheelchair-accessible entrance, washroom and dining room.
Of equal importance, the Orange Line Du Collège metro station offers elevator access to the street and the metro platform directly across from Restaurant Du Collège.